Good Day Lovelies! The following post was originally on Darling Magazine, one of the up-and-comers if you ask my opinion. Darling mag has an awesome mission statement. Check it out… Now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout! On with the post topic however, improving your photos. Here is the original post written by Leslie Tulip Please Stop…

Hi Guys! Check out this succession of photos at an Everclear concert. The Bassist, Freddy Herrera, was doing his best to get me to strum his guitar, but I was adamant on taking pictures! It’s funny how serious he was that I plucked that darn thing! Look… :) Too funny! That’s a committed photographer for…

Our gift certificates are gorgeous, but imagine your mother, daughter, sister, wife – just about anyone receiving this beautiful presentation along with their gift certificate for a fabulous makeover and photo shoot! Gorgeous flowers and a bottle of bubbly are hand delivered and presented to your loved one to set the stage for a very…

5 Character Traits of Happy People Character is not the only component of happiness. There are also: approaches to thinking, (Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet” tells us that “Nothing is good or bad as thinking makes it so.”), learned skills in concentration, fundamental beliefs, personal values and specific actions that detract from or add to contentment and…
3M 9542v - Exceptional read, Positive website, where did u come up with all the info on this posting?
I’ve read a few of the articles on your site now, and I love your style.
Best regards,
Boswell Zacho